ebooks and audiobooks

Don’t forget to take advantage of the access to eBooks and audiobooks that your library card provides.  Download the free Libby app and open up a library of new materials at your fingertips.  If you are interested in getting started and need some support call (603-374-2755), e-mail   () or stop in to the library.

LIMA-3: and the Mustang Grunt by Frank McCarthy

Please join the Friends of the Library and local author Frank McCarthy as we discuss Lima-3:and the Mustang Grunt.   “In 1966, career Marine Lieutenant Frank McCarthy received the assignment of a lifetime when he was assigned as a platoon commander in an infantry battalion preparing for deployment to Vietnam”.  We are honored to have Frank facilitate our discussion this month to honor our Veterans.  We have limited copies of the book at the library but encourage you to attend even if you have not had the opportunity to read the book.

One Book one Valley

One Book One Valley books are here!  This year’s title, The Bear by Andrew Krivak a National Book Award in Fiction finalist, has been called “a gorgeous fable of Earth’s last two human inhabitants, and a girl’s journey home.”  The library book discussion will take place on OCTOBER 10th.   On OCTOBER 24th, we are very excited to host Ben Kilham of the Kilham Bear Center located in Lyme.   The Kilham Bear Center has been rehabilitating and releasing injured, orphaned and abandoned black bear cubs since 1993.  For more information follow this link https://kilhambearcenter.org/.  The grand finale of this community wide read event takes place on Thursday, NOVEMBER 2nd at the Majestic Theatre in Conway when the author Andrew Krivak will talk about the book and answer readers questions.  All events will take place at 7:00 pm and multiple copies of the book are available in the library.


RESCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH AT 7 PM.  We are very excited to be hosting Ben Kilham of the Kilham Bear Center located in Lyme.   The Kilham Bear Center has been rehabilitating and releasing injured, orphaned and abandoned black bear cubs since 1993.  For more information follow this link https://kilhambearcenter.org/.   This event may take place in the Josiah Bartlett Elementary School cafeteria to take advantage of the additional space.

NH State Park Passes

The Friends of the BPL have purchased a NH State Parks Library Pass that is available to our patrons. The pass is valid for 2 adults and up to 4 dependents to all day use parks with the following exceptions – Cannon Mountain Tram, Flume Gorge, Hampton Beach, South Beach and Wallis Sands State Park. The pass is only valid for the date of issue and does not guarantee access. The Division of Parks and Recreation requires advanced day-use reservations to guarantee access to a park. For additional information or to reserve a pass please call or e-mail the library, 374-2755 or

ebooks and audiobooks

Don’t forget to take advantage of the access to eBooks and audiobooks that your library card provides.  Download the free Libby app and open up a library of new materials at your fingertips.  If you are interested in getting started and need some support call (603-374-2755), e-mail   () or stop in to the library.

Cross NH Adventure Trail Update! 8/8 @ 7pm

Marianne Borowski is back!  One of our favorite local cyclists and the “wheels” behind the establishment of the Cross NH Adventure Trail (xNHAT), will be at the library to discuss this trail and other NH Rail Trails.  These trails are a great way for all ages and abilities to get outside for adventure, exercise, touring and looking for butterflies, birds, flowers, geocaches and scenic views.  If you are interested in an accompanying read we have copies of Bicycling with Butterflies:  My 10,201-mile journey following the monarch migration by Sara Dykman available at the library.


One Book One Valley!

One Book One Valley books are here!  This year’s title, The Bear by Andrew Krivak a National Book Award in Fiction finalist, has been called “a gorgeous fable of Earth’s last two human inhabitants, and a girl’s journey home.”  The library book discussion will take place on OCTOBER 10th.   On OCTOBER 24th, we are very excited to host Ben Kilham of the Kilham Bear Center located in Lyme.   The Kilham Bear Center has been rehabilitating and releasing injured, orphaned and abandoned black bear cubs since 1993.  For more information follow this link https://kilhambearcenter.org/.  The grand finale of this community wide read event takes place on Thursday, NOVEMBER 2nd at the Majestic Theatre in Conway when the author Andrew Krivak will talk about the book and answer readers questions.  All events will take place at 7:00 pm and multiple copies of the book are available in the library.

NH State Park Passes

The Friends of the BPL have purchased a NH State Parks Library Pass that is available to our patrons. The pass is valid for 2 adults and up to 4 dependents to all day use parks with the following exceptions – Cannon Mountain Tram, Flume Gorge, Hampton Beach, South Beach and Wallis Sands State Park. The pass is only valid for the date of issue and does not guarantee access. The Division of Parks and Recreation requires advanced day-use reservations to guarantee access to a park. For additional information or to reserve a pass please call or e-mail the library, 374-2755 or

ebooks and audiobooks


Don’t forget to take advantage of the access to eBooks and audiobooks that your library card provides.  Download the free Libby app and open up a library of new materials at your fingertips.  If you are interested in getting started and need some support call (603-374-2755), e-mail   () or stop in to the library.