A Cup Of Tea/Amy Ephron Tuesday, April 8th 7pm

.”Please join us for a discussion of A Cup of Tea: A Novel of 1917 by Amy Ephron. “Inspired by a classic Katherine Mansfield short story, A Cup of Tea engages with its vivid –– and often amusing –– cast of characters, wonderful period detail, brilliant evocation of the uncertain days of World War I, and delightfully spare and picturesque sense of story.”  The short story which inspired this novel can be found online at  https://opentextbc.ca/englishliterature/chapter/a-cup-of-tea/.  If you are having trouble with the online version a printed copy of the short story is available in the library.  Julia King will facilitate the thoughtful consideration of writing inspirationally from older authors from different times.  This evening promises to be both educational and engaging.  Copies of the book are available in the library, call or e-mail with questions, 603-374-2755, .